Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fast Friends

I've never had any luck with hummingbirds. And that sorta bugged me. Why? My feeder was just as nice as anyone else, right? But that was the case. Last summer shortly after moving in Tom bought a red plastic feeder and I thought "good luck with that". I think we had one, maybe. 

For Mother's Day the kids gave me a lovely heirloom inspired feeder and I thought we would give it another try. Each day I hoped and hoped but no visitors. One day I was setting on the porch and I was so tired I closed my eyes. I heard a click and a squeak and I hoped that meant good news and I opened my eyes. Yes, yes! We had a hummer.  I added the plastic feeder and over the summer I've enjoyed watching these hype little friends buzz in, slurp-slurp and poof! gone again.

Sometimes their behavior baffled me and I started Googling my questions. My knowledge as grown and my interest is still strong. Yesterday morning I heard a scuffle and saw a chubby hummer run off two smaller birds from the feeders. Gee-whiz guy, there more than enough for all. Then we noticed he was keeping a vigil in the redbud tree and often ran off the smaller birds. He stayed so long I thought I should be able to get a picture. Try after try I figured out how to get closer by putting the camera on a bag of rice on the window sill. I pushed the screen up and added the telephoto lens. After numerous shots I got this one! My first hummingbird picture. Here's to many more 

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